The Fightin' Fungi Kickstarter landed yesterday, so I've been gluing and basing the whole lot of them. I'm missing only a couple items, but with the excellent service and response by Damon Richardson, I'm not concerned that I'll be getting replacements when they get the opportunity. A very well-organized and operated Kickstarter with amazing feedback.
Here is the handy rulebook for Fightin' Fungi. Nicely put together book. |
Here are two Davey Snoutbottoms, and one with Andrea Underfoot. I am missing the other halfling rider currently. |
Two Fungus Kings and two Matanagars. |
Goblin Fungus Zombie, Rotting Heart Enoki Cleric, Vampire Fungus, Spellcaster, and Zombie Fungus. |
Two Fungus Queens, two Mykityad Forest Nymphs, and Amazon Fungi. |
Puffball Launcher Spore Monster (with little Puff Ball), Spore Monster, Flying Eye Fungus (I have another one still being assembled, wings are being stubborn), Swamp Lion Fungus, and the massive Swamp Fungus (Fungi Cthulhu) |
Master of Mushrooms, the Reaper, and Spore Monster Heavy Infantry. |
Two Enoki Rangers, two Fungal Archers, and a Slinger. |
Oaken Spear, Multi-option Infantry (I chose sword and shield), Fungal Drummer, Fungus Axeman, and Sporespear. |
Two Greater Sporelings, baby Sporeling, Fungus Monk, and Martial Artist. |
Two Worm Riders (one of the 'riders' is missing) |
Two Pillbug Heavy Cavalry. |
The only things I have missing are; 1 rider for the Worms, 1 Andrea Underfoot (halfling), and another Reaper. But overall, I'm very impressed with the quality of the models and the service of this Kickstarter.
Oh, not shown, nor will I be taking pictures of, are my two Grasshopper Cavalry. Lets just say, my assembling skills have failed with these guys. When it comes to metal minis with lots of little itty bitty pieces (such as grasshopper legs and antennae), I fail miserably. Hopefully paint will hide the worst parts.
I'm looking forward to the next Kickstarter that Ganesha Games, Andrea Sfiligoi, and Damon Richardson put together.