While I was still on the creative warpath, I thought I would go ahead and draw up a fleet of ships to commemorate my favorite greenskin Orks. As I contemplate how to flesh them out for Orion's Gate (gotta have red paint in there somewhere, and boarding actions, and spiky bits, etc.), I wonder if I should expand my collection into other type factions; Necrons, Eldar, Tau, Tyranids, or make something up (Cthulhu tentacle things and otherworldly creatures, or retro 70's rockets kinda like Flash Gordon).
An Orky fleet and some more asteroids. Left to right: Capitol Ships (Space Hulks), Battleships (Battle Kroozers), Cruisers (Kroozers), and Squadrons (Fighta-bombas). |
Got quite a bit completed in just one day. Three fleets and a bunch of asteroids. Though, I could combine the grey fleets versus the Orky fleet for one massive space battle. Not sure how difficult that would be to play out.....tempting though. |
My favorite part about all of this, all the ships and asteroids fit in one small ziplock bag. How often can you fit all your units and terrain into a little baggy? |
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